What's Up?


These are challenging times. The environment is under assault as never before.  It is no longer responsible to sit back and just watch what unfolds. The urgency of the climate crisis demands that protecting and healing the environment takes center stage in our lives.  Understanding the urgency, the Board of NMEAC is working to expand our base and create opportunities for everyone to become part of the solution rather than remaining part of the problem. We are involved in partnership with other local groups and agencies working to mitigate climate change, to shut down Line 5, to become a 100% renewable energy community, to protect our trees and clean water, to prevent urban sprawl, and to preserve and protect our special region.


The Green Ticker is a place where you can learn what events are taking place in the Grand Traverse region, events organized and sponsored by our many local environmental groups. Our climate, our towns, our rivers, our bays, our lakes, our forests, our dunes, our plants, and our animals all need your help to preserve and protect them.  Activities are listed chronologically in the Green Ticker.  Please add your event by following the instructions at the top of the Green Ticker.  Check the Green Ticker often to keep informed about what is going on.  

Besides the Green Ticker, we'll be posting the latest information here that we think will fascinate you, as it does us! NMEAC events, book reviews, and news.

Let us know what interests you here.

“The Earth does not belong to us: we belong to the Earth”. 

Marlee Matlin


“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” 

Albert Einstein

  • June Thaden
    followed this page 2018-04-15 13:55:30 -0400


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