Clean Energy Now Rally



Enbridge is bringing their dog-and-pony show through Michigan. They are advocating to build a tunnel for their Line 5 pipeline through the Great Lakes.

Please come to show Enbridge, the media, and Governor Whitmer that we need CLEAN ENERGY NOW and don't need their tunnel.

Enbridge is desperately working overtime to convince the public that Michigan needs its pipeline, but most people know better: Line 5 is not critical infrastructure for Michigan. It brings Canadian oil from Canada back to Canada.


This 66-year-old pipeline is not needed by Michigan. But it threatens the Great Lakes, 400 other water bodies, and when its oil is burned, it threatens our climate.

Bring signs and banners calling for NO OIL TUNNEL THROUGH THE GREAT LAKES. We'll have extra signs on hand.

Let's step up to protect our Great Lakes and 400 other Michigan waterways, and stop a disastrous tunnel from further destroying our climate.


Thursday, May 02, 2019
6:00 p.m.– 8:00 p.m. EDT
Cheboygan Public Library
100 S Bailey St
Cheboygan, MI 49721
United States
Google map and directions

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