Climate Solutions Presentation

The effects of climate change are being seen worldwide and right here in Michigan. NMEAC presented Peter Sinclair and his videos about the unfolding disaster and what you can do to become involved in creating solutions that will carry us through.

Peter SinclairPeter Sinclair is a videographer and journalist who has been tracking the science behind climate change through his decades of scientific interviews and visiting regions that are seeing the effects of our warming atmosphere. He's a frequent contributor to Yale Climate Connections This is Not Cool, Media Director of the Dark Snow Project, Climate Denial Crock of the Week, and NCSE 2017 Friend of the Planet.

The majority of the presentation on January 27, 2022, included several of Peter's videos, which we share below. 


Northwest Heat Wave



December tornado outbreak



Daniel Swain PhD: How Much We’ve already warmed



Climate impacts on Property Insurance



Clean energy helping rural communities



Clean energy helping rural schools



How Michigan can Store Renewable energy



Farmer John Fabian: Why my Family Supports Wind Energy



Climate Denial and Democracy

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  • Akpobome Agadaigho
    commented 2022-02-21 07:24:32 -0500
    Thank you so much for sharing this videos.


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