East-West Corridor Transportation Study

OHM Advisors will present their recommendations which include improvements to South Airport and North Keystone Road from West Hammond Road to Cass Road. Hammond-Hartman was listed as a low priority and most expensive by far. 

NMEAC opposes Hammond-Hartman because it would involve filling wetlands and altering a tributary to the Boardman.

Intersections where short-term improvements are suggested include three on South Airport Road — at Garfield, Barlow Street and Park Drive; two on West Hammond Road — at Garfield and Three Mile roads; and two on North Keystone Road — at Cass and Beitner roads.

 A presentation will be given by study team members, followed by a more open house-style portion where attendees can view information and ask questions.

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Tuesday, April 30, 2019
6:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. EDT
Hagerty Center
715 E Front St
Traverse City, MI 49686
United States
Google map and directions
William Gittlen

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