Protect the Boardman River

The Lower Boardman River Leadership Team is hosting a number of pop up conversations around town through August 23rd at various locations in order to target a diverse group of residents and seek their thoughts regarding the Lower Boardman River. Please see the attached schedule and feel free to stop by any of the locations and have a conversation. 


Want to schedule an individual meeting or share your thoughts?

Call Jean Derenzy at (231) 922.2050 or email [email protected]


To learn more and take the online survey, visit the link HERE.


Thank you for your interest and participating in the fostering of a Unified Plan that will thoughtfully look to protect, restore, and preserve access and wise use of the 1.6 miles of the Boardman River that is located in Downtown Traverse City. 





Friday, August 16, 2019
6:00 p.m.– 9:00 p.m. EDT
Front Street and other places

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